This camera costs US49,000.


With pricing at the level of a supercar, the US$49,000 Phase One XF Camera System might as well be called a supercam. It has full-frame medium format sensors that are 2.5 times larger than the ones found in high-end DSLRs, providing the highest possible resolution for a digital or printed image. It produces large, high dynamic range pixels and has an exceptional wide angular response. The camera is paired with an 80-megapixel IQ3 digital back, which has its own touchscreen to be used to control and review photos. The XF Camera System is available in multiple configurations, up to 80MP. Resolution this high not only delivers incredible detail but also provides creative flexibility, accommodating virtually any application requirement, be it print or digital. Phase One is locally distributed by Studio 58 Lab 10. Call (632) 843-0770.